As an active talent we have a lot of methods to develop you and your project
The focus of our talent development is learning by doing by supporting and training competency in the production of digital, visual narratives.
Talent Development
The focus of our talent development is learning by doing by supporting and training competency in the production of digital, visual narratives.
We work to ensure talent development and the renewal of the art of Danish film through financial support, coaching and learning as well as the loan of state of the art equipment for film production.
We work with the talent from first meeting and emphasize an engaging, present and personal relationship.
It is important that the talent makes use of the Workshop and each other.
We approach talent development in three different phases: Zooming, Feedback Lab and Final Feedback.
Zooming is one of our talent development methods and is based on a variety of coaching tools that have been compiled from a background of many years of learning and experience.
The talent is offered a course where their project is sharpened both in the storyline and in the process. The talent can also take part in a process of self-clarification in relation to a career.
What the talent can get out of Zooming is:
- a project enhanced in both story and process
- become wiser about your own project and the challenges that may arise
- gain greater insight into your strengths and weaknesses as talent
- Get a realistic plan for your project and / or career
Feedback Lab
Feedback Lab is offered to all the active talents at Odense Film Workshop in the form of discussion and networking regardless of the stage of the project.
All talents working on a project are offered the opportunity to bring their challenges to a forum with the other active talents at the Workshop together with a film consultant.
What the talent can get out of Feedback Lab is:
- A larger network
- Learn to provide constructive criticism and solutions for others
- become wiser about your own project and the challenges that may arise
- Be open about your own creative process
- Be open about your own creative process
- Practice receiving criticism in a constructive way
- Actively contribute to a living environment where learning and mistakes are a success
Final Feedback
Final Feedback is offered as evaluation of the project and the process for talent that has completed a production.
Once the talent has finished a film, an immense amount has probably been learnt . We want to take a long hard look at all this insight and experience.
What the talent can get from Final Feedback is:
- Practice receiving criticism in a constructive way
- Give others constructive criticism
- Tell others about the mistakes you have made and learned from
- Be open about your own creative process
- Learn from others’ mistakes
- Hear from the professionals what you can learn from all of this